Thursday, February 26, 2015

You Know You're An Art Teacher When... #2: My Bag

by Elizabeth Van Allen

You know you're an art teacher when... you reach into your bag and can locate at least two or three of the things shown in the real life purse inventory below!  I can't count the number of times I've pulled out that googly eyed monster eye toy instead of something else.  Usually the strange look turns to an understanding nod when I disclaimer the find with "I'm an art teacher."
(don't judge me, I'm one of those creative types)
If you think this is bad, you should see my school apron pockets! They're like an old fashioned magician's hat.  I probably have a confiscated deck of cards in there somewhere...

What eye-rollingly fabulous items have you accidentally pulled out of your bag at the wrong/right time?

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