Thursday, April 9, 2015

Environmentally Friendly Devo Hat?

by Elizabeth Van Allen for
This bowl was made by a 7th grader.
(7" across by 3 1/2" high)

These coiled paper bowls are made entirely out of magazines and newspaper, scotch tape and glue.  I love doing this project with the 7th and 8th grades, it's a real departure from my usual fare.  I always start out the lesson with a powerpoint showing them advertisements for similar products.  If they're not already hooked in the price tags sure do the trick.  My mom found a four inch bowl exactly like the ones my students make for $12.99!  The students really get into making them and it sure gives my supply closet (and budget) a rest.  If you time a lesson like this around the Thanksgiving and winter breaks you can have students bring in those full color, glossy sale ads for homework- they make great bowls.  As an added bonus, multi-packs of invisible tape often go on sale just after Christmas.  

Faces have been changed 
to protect the innocent
(she really wanted me to take 

her picture with the bowl to post,
 but there are rules about that!)
While on occasion I do see students donning them as an ever-fashionable fez, this one struck me as a little different.  It took me a second before I realized it, but when upside down this amazing bowl bears an uncanny resemblance to the hats worn by the 80's music group DEVO!
image from

Has any pop culture iconography unintentionally snuck into your work?  
Tell us about it!

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