Thursday, November 13, 2014

Paint Brush Etiquette: Gentle Reminders

by Elizabeth Van Allen

When I first started teaching, I was adamant that all students must clean their own brushes every time because it was a necessary art room skill.  While I still agree with the sentiment, practicality has gotten in the way of high-fallutin' art making ethics.  Even with two (theoretically clog-free) sinks that each comfortably fit two students (at them, not in them), there is just not enough time for that when I only see them for one 45 minute period once a week!

My solution/compromise was to have two volunteers clean up the water cups and paint brushes at the end of the class period.  And when they don't volunteer you better be I volun-choose them, usually based on who is singling themselves out behaviorally that day.  I choose one from each side of the room, assign them rows to collect from, and exclusively dedicate one sink to their cause.  Let's call it a semi-private cleaning station. 
I got this brush cleaning
poster years ago as a
conference freebie

The problem: wasting time repeating directions to every new set of brush cleaners!  The solution: explain the job as part of the paint demonstration directions, have them repeat it back (check for understanding), and making/posting gentle reminders in strategic places.

Unintentional side effects did occur.  
They include:
  • Shortened clean-up time (you have to be really sneaky or, as they say around here hard headed, to keep working when someone else has already taken your water and your brushes)
  • Competition over who gets to clean (while this seemed unimaginable to me in my childhood, many of my students LOVE cleaning my room)
  • Student-created cleaning chores (see last side effect- they've blindsided me with "I'm your official sweeper today" or "I'm your table cleaner" or -my favorite- "can I collect all of the paint/newspapers/rulers?" Knock me over with a feather!) 

What changes and compromises have you made for the sake of time management?  

1 comment:

  1. I used a very fine and awesome paint brush for my paintings and they are great.
