Thursday, January 15, 2015

Cure Chronic Same-question-itis!
by Elizabeth Van Allen

Are you tired of hearing the same questions from students that you've heard a hundred times before?  Do you have to resist a frequent urge to scream "How didn't you hear me the first 3 times!?"  Do you wake yourself up at night uttering phrases you never thought you'd say outside of the classroom?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might have Samequestionitis.

Samequestionitis is a common ailment among teachers.  Side effects include general irritation, the urge to walk away from raised hands, and pulling out your own hair in response to persistently feeling as if you're talking to a wall.  If left untreated, this ailment could lead to consistently bad days, louder-than-is-socially-acceptable vocal volume levels and increased blood pressure due to chronic frustration.
Elementary Samequestionitis Cure
There is a cure!  Clear visual examples and easy to read directions in a dedicated area of your classroom will clear up most side effects within a short period of time (results may vary).  Avoid developing tennis elbow due to repeated pointing motions towards your new board by using phrases like "take a look at the direction board" or "Where could you find the answer to that question on your own?"  In rooms that cater to several different grades or age groups, try breaking up a bulletin board into several sections with wide ribbons or bright sentence strips.  If students still don't get the hint, try posting giant neon arrows with phrases like 'look here' and 'your questions answered here'.  If all else fails, make a hand held sign that says 'read the directions'.
Middle School Samequestionitis Cure / Project Board

 What solutions have you found for the common ailments native to your workplace?

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